

All scientists agree that energy is not destroyed if not transformed, and what are we humans? Yes, we are energy, the death we all know is the abandonment of our earthly body, but What about our energy and all the information that exists in it ?, some solve it saying that when you leave this world you go to heaven or hell, I think that when you die you become part of the consciousness that has Created everything, the human being is becoming more intelligent and not only because we keep the information, the mental capacity of the human being has not stopped growing since creation.
In each of our cells there is such a quantity of information that it will take many, many years to decipher it, or maybe we will never do it since the information that the human body contains does not stop changing continuously, is that because every time We are more nourished by consciousness and are more aware that we are part of an infinite energy that is in continuous evolution ?, I am convinced that yes, of course it is that our body dies, but our energy is transformed transmitting all the information that We have accumulated the rest of mankind, there are already many scientists who study quantum physics who defend the fact that everything is connected and that when the human being procreates transmits energy and information. I give you a small example to think about: probably we all sound that we see in the son of someone the same behaviors as those of one of his parents and say "looks just like his father or mother," but that child or Already adult lost his father or mother being him a baby. How is it that he acts the same ?, his parents not only gave him the earthly life, they also transmitted all the information accumulated to him as part of his conscience. Then do we die or become? Think about it and make your own decision, do you see in your children things of you that you have never taught them? Chances are that you respond affirmatively, feel lucky to be aware of it.
