How to use biodescoding.

How to use biodescoding.

The purpose of the method is to find the emotion that causes discomfort or a symptom of physical or psychic pain.
For this we must know that everything that happens to us in life is a projection of our thoughts, we are what we think, our thoughts are part of the hypnosis that throughout our existence have provoked us with the information we have received, That which we have been taught is right or wrong.
To begin to heal we must unlearn all our beliefs and free ourselves from the limitations that these cause us, remember the saying that says that life is of color by the glass that is looked at, crystal are all our beliefs and these condition our thoughts, That is what we see.
Biodescodificarse is not easy, but it is not difficult, you just have to know that all our beliefs are completely false, I give you an example, we live in a residential area where we have built the house of our dreams and we affirm that it is the most beautiful of The area, that affirmation is just so for us, but for our neighbor next door who also made the house of his dreams, his is more beautiful than ours.
Our tastes of design are conditioned by the information that has been transmitted to us, with what we have been told that this is beautiful and that is ugly, without doubt your house is the most beautiful for you in this present, but as you will never leave Of receiving information from your present future may make you say that your neighbor's house is more beautiful than yours.
With what I said I intend to clarify that what we see in the world is the projection of our beliefs and as a consequence of our thoughts.
That is why when in our unconscious there is a harmful occult emotion, it causes us physical or psychic discomfort, and to decode we must identify what is that emotion that unbalances our self. When we identify it, we must detach ourselves from it, take away its value, ignore it as if it had never been produced, and it is from that moment when we begin to heal.
