The danger of saying "I love you".

The danger of saying "I love you".

Yes, you have read well. I love you, how easily do we use these two words, but what does it mean to say them? Without a doubt, they mean the desire for possession and control. When this desire is limited to material things, it is a way of projecting ourselves towards achievement, and it is okay if we are not invaded by envy or act in a disrespectful way with others, after all, desire is fundamental to our growth personal.

But what happens when those words are used to capture the attention of another person? It is not the same to say "I love you" to say "I love you", to say "I love you" does not imply possession or control of that person, to love is Feeling connected, is flowing on the same frequency, is not asking, it is only giving without expecting to receive a reward for that love we feel, but saying "I love you" implies that we want to be rewarded, that we expect the other person to act according to our expectations , We want to feel that we control the situation, that everything will go according to our beliefs, those that limit us so much and prevent us from growing in consciousness.
Only if we are aware of the words we use and the true meaning they have in our environment can we flow into consciousness, and allow ourselves to vibrate in harmony with it, without feeling sadness or desolation.
It is much better to love than to love, you just have to practice.
